The Flourishing Sisterhood Podcast explores what it means to flourish in religious life and beyond. We capture the rich stories and amplify the voices of Catholic religious sisters from the Gulf Coast region of the U.S. Their powerful experiences have deeply transformed the Church and the world. Join us each episode for a new tale of spirituality, resilience, innovation, resolve, and faith in action.
The Flourishing Sisterhood Project is supported by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation’s Catholic Sisters Initiative. The podcast is produced by the Loyola Institute for Ministry and retained by the university’s Digital Humanities Archive.
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The Courage to Love: A Conversation with Sr. Seyram Mary Adzokpa, SSF
This episode features Sr. Seyram Mary Adzokpa, who is originally from Ghana. At 30-years-old, she is currently the youngest Sister of the Holy Family. Her congregation...
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The Sap is Still Green: A Conversation with Sr. John Mary Jackson, SSF
This episode features Sr. John Mary Jackson, a Sister of the Holy Family. In second grade, Sr. John Mary knew that she was being called to the sisterhood from a young ...
A Survivor of the People: A Conversation with Sr. Theresa Huyen Nguyen, FMSR
This episode features Sr. Theresa Huyen Nguyen, a Daughter of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. Sr. Theresa and her family sought refuge in New Orleans after the Fall of S...
The Faith is a Gift: A Conversation with Sr. Charlotte Rubit, SSF
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Changing Patterns: A Conversation with Sr. Bonnie Kearney, RSCJ
This episode features Sr. Bonnie Kearney, a Religious of the Sacred Heart. She explores how her philosophy of “broad Catholicism” has permeated through her ministry. S...
He’s Always with You: A Conversation with Sr. Agnes Marie Sampia, SSF
This episode features Sr. Agnes Marie Sampia, a Sister of the Holy Family. Originally from Carencro, Louisiana, Sr. Agnes Marie was raised by her grandmother, also nam...